Omaha real estate agent, Nebraska real estate agent, Council Bluffs real estate agent, Southwest Iowa real estate agent
Whether your search begins in the Omaha metro or one of the dozens of smaller communities surrounding it, Grangers Group can help you find the ideal neighborhood for you and your family. Use the light blue button on the right to search current listings by neighborhood and community.
Need information about resources in your community? Here are just a few important phone numbers you may need:
Our Communities
Cable Television
Cox Communications ............... 402-933-3000
CenturyLink (Qwest) ................. 402-691-1999
OPPD .......................................... 402-536-4131
Gas & Water
Black Hills Energy ...................... 800-303-0752
MUD ............................................ 402-554-6666
Abe's ............................................ 402-571-4926
Papillion Sanitation .................... 402-346-7800
Waste Management ................... 402-731-0138
Bellevue Schools ........................ 402-293-4000
Bennington Schools ................... 402-238-3044
Catholic Education ..................... 402-554-8493
Elkhorn Schools .......................... 402-289-2579
Gretna Schools ........................... 402-332-3936
Millard Schools ........................... 402-715-8200
Omaha Schools .......................... 402-557-2222
Papillion/LaVista Schools .......... 402-536-9998
Ralston Schools .......................... 402-331-4700
Springfield Platteview Schools .. 402-339-3606
Westside District 66 Schools ..... 402-390-2100
Council Bluffs Schools .............. 712-328-6446
East Mills Schools ...................... 712-624-8700
Fremont Mills Schools .............. 712-629-2325
Glenwood Schools .................... 712-527-9034
Lewis Central Comm. Schools . 712-366-8202
Missouri Valley Schools ............ 712-642-2706
Riverside Schools ...................... 712-557-2222
Treynor Schools ......................... 712-487-3804
Underwood Schools .................. 712-566-2703
Cable Television
Cox Communications ............... 402-933-3000
CenturyLink (Qwest) ................. 402-691-1999
Mid American Energy ............... 888-427-5632
Gas & Water
Black Hills Energy ...................... 800-303-0752
Mid American Energy ............... 888-427-5632
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Omaha real estate agent, Nebraska real estate agent, Council Bluffs real estate agent, Southwest Iowa real estate agent